How to Keep Plants Alive While on Vacation?

You’ve booked your tickets, packed your bags, and set your out-of-office message. You’re ready to go on vacation and have some fun. But wait, what about your plants? You don’t want to leave them behind, but you also don’t want to find them wilted or worse when you come back. 😥 So, how to keep plants alive while on vacation?

Don’t worry, we have a solution for you.

You can keep your plants alive while on vacation with some simple and clever tips. Yes, you heard it right. We have jotted down simple tips that will help you keep your plants alive while you enjoy your vacation.

You’ll be amazed by how easy and effective these tips are. So, let’s get started! 🌿

6 Tips to Keep Plants Alive While You’re on Vacation

If you love plants, you know how hard it can be to leave them alone when you go on vacation. Plus, you don’t want to come back to a bunch of wilted, dried-up, or dead plants. Right? So, here are six tips, which will answer all your queries related to how to keep plants alive while on vacation.

Let’s dig in to know more!

1. Water Your Plants Thoroughly Before You Leave

The most possible answer to your question: how to keep plants alive while on vacation is to water them well before you leave. By doing this, you will help them stay hydrated and prevent your plants from drying out too quickly. Plus, it will ensure that your plants have enough moisture to survive for a few days or even a week, depending on the type and size of your plants. The temperature and humidity of your home, and the size and material of your pots.

water them thoroughly it will help to keep plants alive while on vacation
Credit: Shelyna Long

To water your plants thoroughly, you need to make sure that the water reaches the roots of your plants and drains out of the bottom of the pots. So, you can do this by either watering your plants from the top until you see water coming out of the drainage holes. Or by soaking your pots in a tub or sink filled with water for about 15 minutes.

However, this method may not be enough for longer vacations or for plants that need frequent watering. In that case, you may want to consider using some other methods mentioned below.

2. Bunch Them Together to Keep Plants Alive

Another tip to keep your plants alive while you’re on vacation is to bunch them together in a group. This will create a microclimate for your plants, which will help them retain moisture and humidity. It will also reduce the amount of space they take up and make it easier for someone else to water them if needed.

Here’s a suggestion for you to group your plants by their watering needs, such as succulents, cacti, ferns, etc. Plus, you can also place them on a tray or a saucer filled with water to provide some extra hydration.

3. Don’t Leave Them in Direct Sunlight

While some plants may love the sun, too much of it can be harmful, especially when you’re not around to monitor them. This is because direct sunlight can cause your plants to overheat, dry out, or get sunburned.

dont keep plants in direct sunlight
Credit: Stephen Roberts

So, we recommend you move your plants away from windows or other sources of direct sunlight when you are leaving for your trip. To give a shade, you can use curtains, blinds, or shades to filter the light and keep it from being too harsh.

In this way, you can keep your plants alive while you are enjoying your vacation.

4. Do Some Light Pruning

Before you go on vacation, you may want to do some light pruning on your plants. Right? Well, if you are thinking so, then go ahead with the pruning procedure. It will help them look neat and tidy, as well as remove any dead or diseased parts that could attract pests or diseases.

Furthermore, pruning will also stimulate new growth and make your plants more resilient. However, don’t overdo it, as too much pruning can stress your plants and make them vulnerable. It is recommended to only prune about 10% to 20% of the plant’s foliage and avoid cutting any major stems or branches.

5. Use Self-Watering Planters or Irrigation Systems

If you’re going away for a long time or have a lot of plants, you may want to invest in some self-watering planters or irrigation systems. These are devices that can automatically water your plants at regular intervals or when they detect low soil moisture levels. They can be either battery-operated or connected to a faucet or a hose. Some examples of self-watering planters or irrigation systems are:

  • Self-watering pots have a reservoir at the bottom that holds water and a wick that draws it up to the soil when needed.
  • You can also use drip irrigation systems, it has tubes or hoses with small holes or emitters that drip water directly onto the soil or the roots of the plants.
  • Water globes are glass or plastic bulbs that have a long stem that goes into the soil and releases water gradually as the soil dries out.
self watering devices to keep plants alive while on vacation
Credit: udra

6. Ask a Friend or Neighbor to Water Your Plants

The last tip to keep your plants alive while you’re on vacation is to ask a friend or neighbor to water your plants for you. This is probably the simplest and most reliable way to ensure that your plants get the care they need while you’re away.

It is recommended to give them instructions on how often and how much to water each plant. As well as any other tasks such as fertilizing, misting, or rotating them.

Read More:


How do I keep my plants alive while I’m away?

There are different ways to keep your plants alive while you’re away, depending on the type and number of plants you have, the duration of your trip, and the conditions in your home. Some general tips are: Water your plants thoroughly before you leave. This will help them stay hydrated for a few days. Or
group your plants together by their watering needs and humidity preferences. This will help them create a microclimate and reduce water loss.

Can plants survive 2 weeks without water?

Solely depends on the type of plant, the size of the plant, the temperature, and the amount of light. In general, most plants can survive for about 1 to 2 weeks without water. However, some plants can survive for much longer periods, such as succulents and cacti, which can store water in their leaves, stems, or roots. Other plants may wilt or die within a few days without water, such as seedlings, ferns, or calatheas.

How can I keep plants watered while on vacation for a month?

Keeping plants watered while on vacation for a month can be challenging, especially if you have many plants or if they have different watering needs. However, there are some solutions that can help you keep your plants hydrated and healthy while you’re away. Some of them are: Use a self-watering system that can last for a month, such as a drip irrigation kit with a timer, a large reservoir tank, or a hydroponic system.


I hope you enjoyed reading our blog, and learned some useful tips on how to keep your plants alive while on vacation. From now onwards, you don’t have to worry about your plants anymore when you travel, as long as you follow these simple and effective methods. Your plants will thank you for it. 🙏

So, go on vacation and have a great time, knowing that your plants are well taken care of. And when you come back, you’ll be greeted by a bunch of healthy and happy plants that will brighten up your home. 🏠

Thank you for reading this blog post. If you liked it, please share it with your friends and family who also love plants. And if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. I’d love to hear from you. 😊

Happy travels and happy gardening! 🌎🌼

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