Are you ready to enter the magical world of the white wizard Philodendron? This rare and stunning houseplant will captivate you with its green and white variegated leaves that look like they were painted by a wizard. The white wizard Philodendron is not only a beauty but also a climber plant.
In this care guide, we will reveal all the secrets and tips you need to know to grow and care for the white wizard Philodendron. From light and water to soil and fertilizer, we will cover everything you need to make this plant happy and healthy. We will also help you troubleshoot some common problems and answer some frequently asked questions.
By the end of this guide, you will be a master of the white wizard Philodendron and enjoy its enchanting presence in your home. 🌿
Essential Care Tips for White Wizard Philodendron
The white wizard Philodendron is a rare and sought-after hybrid that has dark green leaves with white or pink patches that make it stand out from the crowd. It is a climber that can grow up to 6 feet tall with proper support and is easy to propagate from stem cuttings. However, this plant is not for beginners, as it requires some specific care conditions to thrive.
But, don’t worry, we have jotted down the essential care tips, which will be beneficial for beginners also. So, let’s get started and explore care tips one by one.
1. Light
This climbing plant grows best in bright indirect sunlight, which makes the white patches on the leaves more pronounced and vibrant. If you place your plant near a north or east-facing window or use a sheer curtain to filter the light from a south or west-facing window. Placing in these directions, it will receive an ample amount of sunlight, which is good for them.

We recommend you avoid direct sun exposure, especially during midday, as this can scorch the delicate foliage and cause leaf burn. This plant can adapt to lower light areas but may grow slower and with less variegation.
So, providing ample sunlight keeps the philodendron looking its best. ☀️
2. Soil
We can’t deny the fact, that soil is one of the essential care tips for your white wizard Philodendron, as it affects the plant’s root health and nutrient absorption. However, you should not use any soil that is too dense or compacted, as it can lead to suffocate the roots and prevent proper drainage.
If you want the best for your plant, we suggest you use a well-draining, loose, and airy potting mix, such as a peat-based or coco-coir-based mix. You can also add some perlite, vermiculite, or orchid bark to improve the aeration and drainage of the soil. Avoid using soil that is too alkaline or acidic, as this can impact the plant’s variegation and growth.
The ideal pH range for your white wizard Philodendron is between 5.5-6.5. By choosing the right soil for your white wizard Philodendron, you can ensure your plant grows healthy and strong. 🌱
3. Water
Water is an essential care tip for white wizard Philodendron, as it affects the plant’s hydration and growth. However, you should not over-water or under-water your plant, as this can cause root rot or wilting.
So, the best way to water your white wizard Philodendron is to check the soil moisture regularly and water only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. In other words, watering once a week or every 10 days is a great solution. When watering, make sure to water thoroughly, allowing the water to drain out of the bottom of the pot. Avoid watering your plant with cold or hard water, as this can damage the leaves and roots.
By following these simple steps, you can ensure your white wizard Philodendron stays hydrated and healthy. 💧
4. Temperature and Humidity
This plant prefers temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C), and can tolerate cooler temperatures, but will not flower in cooler temperatures. It is recommended to avoid exposing your plant to cold drafts or sudden temperature drops, especially during winter months. Furthermore, your white wizard Philodendron will also thrive in a humid location, around 60%-80%3. Anything below 50% can cause significant stress to the plant. For that, you can increase the humidity by misting the leaves or using a humidifier.
5. Fertilizer
Fertilizer helps the plants to produce more vibrant leaves, but you should be careful with the fertilizer method, as it can lead to leaf burn and nutrient imbalance. If you want to give the best fertilization experience to your plant, then spring or summer season is the appropriate period.
You can use a balanced liquid fertilizer, and dilute it according to the label instructions. Apply the fertilizer solution once every four to six weeks, after watering your plant with plain water. Plus, we recommend you avoid fertilizing your plant during the winter, when it is dormant and does not need extra nutrients.
By following these simple steps, you can ensure your white wizard Philodendron grows strong and beautiful.
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Steps to Propagate White Wizard Philodendron
The white wizard philodendron is a rare and stunning houseplant with creamy white and green variegated leaves. It is a climbing variety of philodendron that can grow up to 4 feet tall with proper support. If you want to multiply your white wizard philodendron, or share it with your friends and family, you can easily propagate it using stem cuttings or air layering.
Here are the steps to propagate white wizard philodendron by both methods.
Method One: Stem Cutting
- Choose a healthy stem with at least one leaf and one node. A node is the point where a leaf attaches to the stem. You can use the stems that you pruned, or cut a new stem just below a node.
- Remove any lower leaves from the cutting, leaving only one or two leaves at the top. This will reduce water loss and encourage rooting.
- Dip the cut end of the stem in some rooting hormone. This is optional, but it can help speed up the rooting process and prevent infections.
- Now, place the cutting in a jar of water, or a small pot filled with moist potting mix. Make sure the node is submerged in water or soil, as this is where the roots will emerge from.
- Keep the cutting in a warm and bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight.
- Wait for roots to appear, which can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the season and the cutting.
- Once the roots are about an inch long, you can transplant the cutting to a larger pot with well-draining organic soil.

Method Two: Air Layering
- Select a healthy stem with at least one leaf and one node. Make a small cut on the stem, about an inch below the node. The cut should be about halfway through the stem, but not all the way.
- Insert a toothpick or a small piece of wood into the cut to keep it open. This will prevent the stem from healing and allow air and moisture to enter.
- Wrap some moist sphagnum moss around the cut, covering the node and the toothpick. Secure the moss with some plastic wrap and tape, creating a small pouch.
- Keep the stem in a warm and bright spot, but avoid direct sunlight. Check the moss periodically and mist it if it dries out.
- Wait for roots to grow out of the moss, which can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the season and the stem.
- Once the roots are well-developed, you can cut the stem below the pouch and remove the plastic wrap and the toothpick.
Congratulations, you have successfully propagated your white wizard philodendron! Happy planting! 🌱
Common Problems With White Wizard Philodendron
1. Lack of Variegation
Well, lack of variegation is a common issue, that your plant might face. Variegation is the appearance of different color zones, which you will observe in the leaves, and sometimes in the stems. It is mainly caused by the mutations that affect chlorophyll production.
Furthermore, it has been observed that this plant needs more sunlight than compared to any other solid green plant to maintain its variegation. Plus, to get a thriving look, you need to be regular with your watering schedule and well-draining potting mix. If the plant does not receive enough light, water, or nutrients, it may revert to green leaves, losing its striking appearance.

If your plant doesn’t have any color anymore, you can try to make it look new again by taking a piece of the stem with some colored tissue and planting it in a new pot.
2. Yellow Leaves
Yellow leaves on white wizard philodendrons can be caused by various factors, such as moisture stress, root damage or compaction, improper soil pH, and nutrient deficiency. To prevent or fix this problem, the plant requires proper care, such as adequate watering, well-draining soil, balanced fertilizer, and slightly acidic pH. It can also be a sign of normal aging or variegation.
Furthermore, yellow leaves can also be a sign of normal aging, cold drafts, or light issues. As the plant matures, it is natural to observe that some lower leaves may turn yellow and fall off. However, if the plant is exposed to cold temperatures or drafts, it can suffer from cold stress and lose its leaves. Similarly, if the plant receives too much or too little light, it can affect its chlorophyll production and cause yellowing.
Since, the white wizard philodendron requires bright indirect light, it is best to keep it away from direct sunlight or dark corners.
3. Leggy Growth
The third common problem your plant can encounter is leggy growth. It mainly occurs when the plant stretches its stems toward the nearest light source, which results in long and thin, weak stems with fewer leaves. Plus, there are several possible causes of leggy growth in white wizard philodendrons, such as insufficient light, lack of pruning, excessive nitrogen, etc…
In addition, Leggy growth can also be influenced by other environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, and air circulation. It prefers a warm and humid environment, if the plant is exposed to cold drafts, dry air, or poor ventilation, it can impact its growth and health.
To prevent this problem, keep the plant away from windows, doors, vents, or fans that can cause temperature fluctuations or air currents.
Does Philodendron White Wizard need a moss pole?
Well, it is a climber plant and is beneficial with a moss pole or other support structure. As we know, the moss pole helps provide stability, encourages root growth, and also mimics plants’ habitat. However, it’s also true that a moss pole is not necessary for plant growth survival, you can also trail or hang it.
Is Philodendron White Wizard a climber?
Oh! Yes, Philodendron White Wizard is a climber that can grow up to 6 feet tall or more with proper support. It belongs to the Philodendron erubescens group, which are all climbers with heart-shaped leaves and aerial roots.
How do you prune a philodendron white wizard?
The best season to prune is spring or summer. If you want to prune your white wizard plant, you need sharp scissors, or a pruner to chop off dead, damaged, leaves or stems. Plus, you can also trim off the unwanted leaves and stems for better growth.

Hi, I’m Jacqueline, the editor-in-chief of cozynest. I have a passion for plants and gardening, also, have a degree in horticulture from the University of California, Davis. I love to share my knowledge and experience with our readers and help them create beautiful and healthy gardens, indoors, and outdoors. I also enjoy experimenting with different plant varieties, designs, and techniques, and learning from other experts in the field. When I’m not working on cozynest, you can find me in my own cozy nest, surrounded by my favorite plants and books.